mardi 26 février 2013

The tattoo in south america

This is a difficult story to tell. The colonization of the Spaniards and the subsequent invasion of consumer values ​​of North America have reduced considerably the tracks and practices related to indigenous traditions.
Every body modification practiced within the tribe is linked to the symbols, rites of passage or private social, collective amendments to the Statute of the individual. The moivi and symbols used are inspired by ntaura, plants, tissues, animals, insects, geometric patterns that can be seen in the clothes and dishes.
Currently, there isn't a true school of South American traditional tattoo, the tattoo is considered "South America style" when they copy marginalized symbols of groups such as Chicanos or gangs like the mala 13.
In contrast to the Maori or Polynesian culture in South America, there was a systematic extermination of the natives. The few that still survive take refuge small communities scattered and have not a representation that conveys their values ​​abroad, beyond the borders.
The cultural richness of the various indigenous groups are protected and hidden by nature. The places where indigenous peoples are isolated, they are virtually uninhabitable for whites.
Only someone who comes from a family native can know the symbols and meanings;
the books discussing this topic are extremely difficult to find. 
I own these books and my family is indigenous.

Enjoi your skin!


lundi 25 février 2013

The History of Ayamanes - my roots, my family, my tribe - Bruno Antonio Menei Hurtado tattooist

The antiquity of man in Venezuela is between twenty and twenty-five thousand years. I get points and evolve on our soil for a long time. The settlement primitive was made by a group carrying a nascent cultural and typological, that hardly differs from the Palaeolithic Old World.
The Ayamanes or guayamanes (ayama or yama or wayama) according to historians, is a bias of Ajaguas (achaguas) which, in turn belonged to the family of the Arawak.The Ayamán Aboriginal territory, extending to the present municipalities of Falcón State, Democracy, Sucre, federation, Union and Silva, and which corresponds to the state were from Rio Tocuyo Lara and Atarigua old (where it was kept for a long time bodyguard habit of playing with his hands and finding Olicores Easter time, the Ayamanes inheritance) to the Sierra de Parupano through Bobare Duaca and municipalities in Iribarren, Torres, Crespo and Urdaneta.The Rio Tocuyo around the farthest limits, mainly north and west of the territory. Towards this river, fertile banks of many streams converged to Ayamanes irrigated agricultural areas.
All saw Parupáno and its foothills, was rich in woodland, jungle, suitable for agriculture and husbandry, rich in water resources formed by streams rushing streams and current permanent or much of the year.
Especially in the mountains of Parupáno and areas of influence. The rainfall, fairly regular in the area completed the optimal conditions for farming and the existence of a wildlife abundant and varied. They were so faithful to the spirits that each source was river, stream or spring, had an owner, keeper or "elf" who watched their conservation.
The German Nicolas de Federman, belonging to the commercial house or Belsares Welsers I explore this territory in search of gold in the year 1530.y in his writings of "Indiana history," says the Ayamanes were small people, and that saw individuals no more than five inches (115 cm.) But I also saw people of greater stature, and this was normal, inquired about the reason for that difference to a plague that hit, in ancient times the people Ayamán, which forced them to join in marriage with the Jirajaras people who inhabited the area now known as the Sierra de San Luis in Falcon State. They were the ones who informed on people Ayamán Federmann short stature.
Until 1950, more or less the majority of the inhabitants of the territory Ayamán (Matatere triangle, Parupáno, Aguada Grande little more), were white individuals or at most light brown, height from 1.60 to 175 cm. While the presence of individuals lower, dark skin and Asian features was zoned on the upper ridge of the Sale and Catalina, preserving even the inhabitants of these sites this genotype.Mobility in its territory was one of the main features of the Ayamanes. Which gave it a unique relationship with their environment, with nature, flora, fauna, roads, water, earth and man formed a vital unity, harmonious and fruitful between Ayamán and nature.The collection of palms, honey and wax, and the presence of hunters, deer horns or skulls and tribute pieces of hunting, survival suggest a people far removed from collector and hunter. This well established that they resolved their product needs with conucos land they owned and worked regularly in Parupáno and Moroturo, where he also took advantage of the heavy hunting of deer, tapirs, rabbits and birds such.Collected throughout the fruit of certain wild plants to supplement their diet. In cardonales of Mátatere enjoyed various fruits such as: data lefarias, turkeys, swish, Cotoperiz, suckers, semerucos and Maya. Of the conucos obtained mainly maize, but also cassava, sweet potatoes, yams, tubers and grains. Delcocuy seized the head and part of the leaves, which baked for consumption, in addition to preparation of spirit drinks.In Venezuela, the presence of agave occurs in much of the territory and chroniclers expressly mentioned in the northeastern regions of the country but their use for the production of liquor from fermented baked stalk, is located in the Lara and Falcon States, mainly in occupied lands, from 20,000 to. C. by Ayamanes and their descendants today, twenty-first century.The relationship with his Indian Ayamán plant world was very close and rich in possibilities for use with fiber cocuy (dispopo) and sisal hammocks made of various woods were built the cannon to the roof, and barbecues trojas to save the corn and nuts. They also made wooden stools, bowls, spoons, tools, hunting and war bows arrows and clubs. In some plants using roots, bark, seeds, fruits and leaves for medicine.With some elaborated fiber hats. Also got to dye inks threads of the fabric and body ornaments. Fruits for protection against hazards of land or supernatural. Built of bamboo musical instruments (flutes). Its low-rise houses were built near the current natural waterholes or wells. With the arrival of the Spanish, came the introduction of livestock to the economy, to add to his house a small pen for raising goats. They besides being successful farmers, also exercised the arts of war and had to do some organizing and habits:

This tribe preserved with tenacity even after their civilized language and subject, so that their descendants were conserved between phrases and terms that were the basis for the linguistic study of that dialect, which leads us to the conclusion that spoke a language Ayamanes corresponding to the family and related Tupi Guarani therefore of Paraguay and Brazil. The very name suggests the Ayamanes Brazilian provenance, which we believe is Anang corruption and Anna, two words mean respectively Guarani devil and relatives. We assume that this name was given by his enemies, alluding perhaps to his ferocity. Although some scholars in the field have said in that language means Ayamán Indian husband or male head of household, as among the Indians Ayamanes, women had a significant presence and his opinion was consulted equal value to that of men. His presence among the retinues of the chieftains Ayamanes when interviewing Federmann us that were not people high in the tribe.The language of the AyamanesThis is collection of many works, among them poet and chronicler publications IribarrenRamón Querales Township, and the unpublished book of Mr. Ramon Pacheco, Geography and History of Urdaneta District.We have drawn from these studies conducted before and after 1900, especially among the native population of San Miguel de los Ayamanes, highlighted among connoisseurs who brought this knowledge the head or chief of the Indians Ayamán (not ) Pascual Ramos and Maria del Rosario Torin (Both lived more than 100 years and kept lucid until his last days). And in the village of El Cacique Docore Dobobuto Antonio.In the vocabulary described here, there are usually words that are spelled different but sound very similar and mean the same, this is the result of the transcription of words by different investigators as they sounded, because these dialects had no spelling defined or at least known. Example:Liquor Cocuy. Yugos. Yugu, yugús, yoke, iugu, jugular or Tugu. Cocuy Ingui baking.
Most likely among Yugu, which would mean that if the jugular, as indeed it is, is a liquor belonging to culture Ayamán North larense and south falconiano. According to the chronicler of the poet Ramon Querales Barquisimeto, the word cocui with who knew the Spanish sixteenth century and modern as it is called is not in the language Ayaman, it is safer because this name was taken from the name of cocui ancient Indians, who probably then call them Cayones, Cuyones, Gallons, Gayones, a Spanish word meaning under very pejorative applied to rogues and people of dubious or dishonest conduct. Neither in 1886 when General Juan Tomas Perez published a vocabulary of indigenous voices gathered in Siquisique, then arbitrarily classified as belonging to the language Jirahara, nor in 1910, when Alfredo Jahn met a set of voices in Bobare, allegedly belonging to the language of the Cayones and San Miguel de los Ayamanes formed another of the Indians that ancestrally had filled this place, nor in 1916 when Luis R. Oramas, in turn did the same in Bobare and San Miguel de los Ayamanes, or voices organized by Dr. Rafael Freitez Pineda with that supplied the siquisiqueño Buenaventura Jiménez, gathered by him and Jose del Carmen maramara, nor those of different fronts copied Father Pedro Francisco Rojas in 1937 being Bobare cure. In none of these vocabularies cocui voice appears informants recognized as belonging to the language they spoke. Probably INGUÌ.-source router.

We actually mbchi Guarani word meaning roast sewn. If we put the particle will, as we have seen means water and liquor, liquor imbivhi we cooked, it is possible to come inguinal. The concept of cooking liquor cocuy corresponds well to baking, squeeze it enough to get a tasty liquid.
Testing The names given to this plant in different latitudes are firefly named for the Gayones, maguey, voice Taino in Haiti in Mexico was metl, in Ecuador Cabuyo, black Cabuyo, nag or chaguar, in Peru chara, chuchao, pacpa , Pinca, mara, Quechua voices, among others, besides maguey q'ellu pangarita in Bolivia, in Aymara and Quechua p'ajra Chunta also shit and witica.
In Venezuela, the presence of agave occurs in much of the territory and chroniclers expressly mentioned in the northeastern regions of the country but their use for the production of liquor from fermented baked stalk, is located in the Lara and Falcon States, mainly in occupied lands, from 20,000 to. C., for Ayamanes and their descendants, XXI century, however of which can not fail to observe that in the historical sources, the beverage from the leaves of the agave baked, they are linked to other related information Cocuy Indians, from the sixteenth century called Lara, Cayones.