vendredi 18 mai 2012

Le long chemin de l'art du tatouage - The long road to the art of tattooing

Quand j'ai commencé à marcher dans le long chemin de l'art du tatouage, je savais qu'il était enracinée dans les Ayamanes les indigènes mes ancêtres. Les valeurs d'une communauté que dans la forêt sont partager, comprendre, respect pour la famille, l'humanité et la nature. Bien que le tatouage dans la société contemporaine est souvent considérée comme quelque chose qui n'a qu'une signification esthétique, je crois dans le tatouage comme une forme de valeurs d'expression. Faire parti des indigènes est une responsabilité que je prends avec honneur. Plus tard, j'ai développé mes compétences d'expression à l'Académie des Beaux-Arts et l'École de la bande dessinée à Rome. Mais j'ai toujours porté avec moi, à l'intérieur de moi, la fierté de appartenance à les dernières personnes indigènes qui ont été exterminés par les Espagnols. Malgré les modes, le boutique où il n'y a pas de véritable culture du tatouage, ma démarche s'inscrit toujours dans la continuité et honnête, donc j'essaie toujours de respecter la personne que vu un tatouage, ce n'est pas seulement un client mais un individu au respect de son histoire , ses désirs, ce que je peux faire pour lui et avec son aide. Le tatouage est une rencontre permanente qui ne peut pas être vu avec la vision simple de l'argent et du travail. Quelque chose de plus complexe est en face de l'artiste du tatouage, il doit être capable de concevoir, de tatouer, et de respecter une culture qui est véhiculée par une marque indélébile sur notre corps. Une chose très complexe que nécessite un véritable dévouement. ___ When I started to walking in the long road to the art of tattooing, I knew it was rooted in the indigenous Ayamanes of my ancestors. The values ​​of a community that are in the forest share, understand, respect for the family, humanity and nature. Although tattooing in contemporary society is often seen as something that has only aesthetic significance, I believe in tattooing as a form of expression values​​. Being part of the natives is a responsibility and I take with honor. Later, I developed my skills of expression at the Academy of Fine Arts and the School of Comics in Rome. But I always carried with me, inside me, the pride of belonging to the last indigenous people who were exterminated by the Spaniards. Despite the fashions, or the tattooshop where there is no real culture of the tattoo, my approach is always in continuity and honest, so I always try to respect the person saw a tattoo, it is not only a customer but an individual in respect of his history, his desires, what I can do for him and with his help. The tattoo is a permanent encounter which can not be seen with the simple view of money and work. Something more complex is across from the tattoo artist, he must be able to draw, tattoo, and respect a culture that is conveyed by an indelible mark on our body. A very complex thing that requires real dedication.

My grandfather Manuel Rojas, the last of the Ayamanes.

This text is the result of research of my aunt Magaly Hurtado, a journalist in Venezuela.
Manuel Antonio Rojas was born on January 6, 1901, in Siquisique, Urdaneta municipality, Ayaman territory. He was characterized as an honest, simple, hardworking, good friend and a better father. From the junction with Josefa Hurtado fathered five children. Benjamin, Angela Francisca (Elayle mother and grandmother of Bruno), Henry and Saul, who grew up and educated in a very humble and always with respect for family values ​​and simplicity .. The village was well respected and liked by his neighbors. He could not read or write, but used the four mathematical operations smoothly. Told a story using all the literary devices at the right moment, but did not know geometry produced excellent embroidery hoops, did not know about astronomy, but wise to recognize the Big Dipper, Little Bear, the constellation Orion and planted and harvested only guided only through the phases of the moon. He did not know of Marxism, but his village was a community partnership. All they had was shared, work tirelessly for family unity and friendship. His class consciousness and the rejection of the imperialists and sowed in his family. All life remembered what he told his great-grandparents and grandparents who were victims of the Spanish empire. The usurpation of the Spanish in this land, was the largest genocide in living memory on earth. At the time of independence, we have estimated the extermination of 300 million indigenous people. Christopher Columbus and his followers arrived in these lands to subdue, dominate, steal and destroy our native people. They were forced to speak Spanish, to accept the Catholic religion, they changed their indigenous names for Spanish names, etc.., In short, was a great fighter until the hour of departure happened in July 1978.