Le tatouage traditionnel est une philosophie de vie. J'ai appris les règles de ma famille indigène
vénézuélienne de la tribu de los Ayamanes.
Comme pour tout ce qui concerne les choses traditionnelles, avant l’accès au savoir, nous devons passer les tests.
Je pourrais parler beaucoup sur comment et quoi faire, mais je vais essayer d'être bref.
Tout d'abord, il faut du temps pour apprendre, beaucoup de patience et de persévérance.
Deuxièmement, il faut un vrai maitre, quelqu'un qui sait ce qu'il faut faire vraiment.
Troisièmement, changer la façon dont nous voyons la modification corporelle.
La décision de se référer à une tradition objectif est de revenir en ligne avec l'origine du sens de notre corps.
Dans les cultures traditionnelles, où la mode n'est pas notre propre sens, le corps est bien codé et sacré. Par conséquent, toute modification qui lui est liée est strictement réglementée par des codes et des lois.
Pendant le tatouage traditionnel, le tatoueur est le lien entre la culture et l'identité du client qui compte sur lui comme une personne digne de confiance. La transaction, le paiement est un signe de respect et non une signification économique unique.
Le tatouage traditionnel n'est pas seulement un tatouage, il s'agit d'une véritable identité. Il n'est pas facile de trouver un vrai maître, mais quand il crée un dermographie travail vous, même vous faites partie de cette tradition.
Il n'existe pas un vrai Tatouer traditionnel que n'a pas essayé sur lui-même, sur sa peau, ce qu'il aspire à créer pour vous.
Lorsque vous trouvez un tatouer de cette nature, bien après avoir parlé avec lui, laissez toute réservation, vous devez avoir confiance. Quiconque a passé des années à l'écoute des règles de personnes âgées est digne de confiance.
The tattoo is a traditional way of life. I learned the rules of my family indigen of Venezuelan, Ayamanes tribe.
As regards all the traditional things, before access to knowledge, we must pass the tests.
I could talk a lot about how and what to do, but I'll try to be brief.
Firstly, it takes time to learn, a lot of patience and perseverance.
Second, there must be a true master, someone who knows what to do really.
Third, changing the way we see the body modification.
The decision to refer to a tradition objective is to return in line with the original meaning of our body.
In traditional cultures, where fashion is not our own sense, the body is sacred and well coded. Therefore, any changes related to it is strictly regulated by codes and laws.
During the traditional tattoo, the tattoo artist is the link between culture and identity of the customer who count on him as a trustworthy person. The transaction, the payment is a sign of respect and not a single economic significance.
The traditional tattoo is not just a tattoo, it's a true identity. It's not easy to find a true master, but when he creates a work dermography you, even you are part of this tradition.
There is no real traditional Tattooing that has not tried it on himself, on his skin, he aspires to create for you.
When you find a tattoo of this nature, but after talking with him, let bookings, you must have confidence. Anyone who has spent years listening to the rules of the elderly is trustworthy.
Manuel Antonio Rojas was born on January 6, 1901, in Siquisique,
Urdaneta municipality, Ayaman territory.
He was characterized as an honest, simple, hardworking, good friend and a
better father. From the junction with Josefa Hurtado fathered five
children. Benjamin, Angela Francisca (Elayle mother and grandmother of
Bruno), Henry and Saul, who grew up and educated in a very humble and
always with respect for family values and simplicity ..
The village was well respected and liked by his neighbors. He could not
read or write, but used the four mathematical operations smoothly. Told a
story using all the literary devices at the right moment, but did not
know geometry produced excellent embroidery hoops, did not know about
astronomy, but wise to recognize the Big Dipper, Little Bear, the
constellation Orion and planted and harvested only guided only through
the phases of the moon. He did not know of Marxism, but his village was a
community partnership. All they had was shared, work tirelessly for
family unity and friendship.
His class consciousness and the rejection of the imperialists and sowed
in his family.
All life remembered what he told his great-grandparents and
grandparents who were victims of the Spanish empire. The usurpation of
the Spanish in this land, was the largest genocide in living memory on
earth. At the time of independence, we have estimated the extermination
of 300 million indigenous people. Christopher Columbus and his
followers arrived in these lands to subdue, dominate, steal and destroy
our native people. They were forced to speak Spanish, to accept the
Catholic religion, they changed their indigenous names for Spanish
names, etc.., In short, was a great fighter until the hour of departure
happened in July 1978.
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